Dr Caitlin Buckle, Prof Nicole Gurran, Prof Peter Phibbs and Dr Patrick Harris, Assoc/Prof Tess Lea (External to Labs)

This project is funded by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), and investigates health and related risks associated with informal and unregulated accommodation, using unique data sets on informal and short-term rental housing markets in major Australian cities. Policy options for expanding housing system capacity during health and other emergencies, serving vulnerable populations or essential workers, are also canvassed.


Final Report

Marginal Housing During COVID-19

Journal Article

Challenging the Discourse around the Impacts of Airbnb through Suburbs not Cities

In the Media:

What did COVID do to rental markets? – The Conversation

Hobart Council wants to stop Airbnbs popping up but some owners want the right to choose – ABC News

Saturday Afternoon – ABC Radio with Shelley Ware

Marginal and informal housing a COVID health risk – Sydney Uni Media Release

Melbourne rents: Short-term listing hosts return properties to rental market, putting downward pressure on prices – Domain

Radio Adelaide Interview


Findings Briefing, Prof Peter Phibbs, Friday 4 December Hobart Town Hall